PFD Solid ZR
Prescribe PFD Solid ZR for a stronger, more natural-looking alternative to metal PFMs or full-cast crowns. At over 1100mpa PFD Solid ZR is ideal for bruxers, these shear resistant; all-zirconia crowns are designed and milled using Sirona CAD/CAM technology for accuracy and predictability, significantly reduce chair time.
The product is 100% metal-free, a feature that prevents gingival darkening and removes the possibility of exposing metallic margins if gum recession begins. They are naturally esthetic, transmit the color of adjacent teeth, and can be matched to any shade. Since traditional cementation is recommended, there is no need to bond the restoration.
Features and Benefits
Full Contour
1100 Mpa Flexural Strength
Highly biocompatible, healthy tissue response
CAD/CAM milled for precise marginal fit
Milled from pre-shaded blanks for precise shading
Super translucent esthetic zirconia